Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 05 & 06 - Laramie, Wyoming

 On Saturday, August 27, we drove most of the day until we reached Laramie, Wyoming. The drive to Laramie started on I-70 through a very scenic area of Colorado following the Colorado river most of the way. We arrived in Laramie late afternoon and set up camp for the night. On Sunday (day 6 - August 28) we visited the Geology Museum at the University of Wyoming in the morning, then spend several hours touring the historic site of the Wyoming Territorial Prison. See pictures of both the museum and prison below.
Carey standing with T-Rex at entrance to Museum

Brontosouras skeleton - the largest land animal that ever lived.
Skeleton is estimated to be 150 million years old.

Another dinosaur skeleton - Also brontosoures from another angle

Skeleton of an ancient sea serpent

Skeleton of an ancient bird

Entrance to the visitors center for the prison

Wyoming Territorial Prison (restored)
Original building was operational in the mid 1800's.
The most famous prisoner was Butch Cassidy.

Donna in the jail coach,

Prison cells

Prison Yard & entranced to the broom making building.
The  prisoners were required to make brooms.

Broom making building inside (restored)

1 comment:

  1. I guess they couldn't be making license plates way back then!
