Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 09 - Crazy Horse Memorial & Mt. Rushmore - South Dakota

 Today we visited two incredible works of art. One is the famous Mt. Rushmore which shows George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. The other is Indian Chief Crazy Horse. This first picture of Mt. Rushmore (from a distance) was taken on the road from our camp ground winding down the mountain on our way to the Crazy Horse Memorial.
Donna liked this wooden bridge.

An Indian Tepee inside the Crazy Horse Memorial Museum

Model of the Crazy Horse Memorial Complex.
The sculpture is in the back near the middle.

The white statue is a 1/30th size model of the real memorial
which is shown in the background. Upon completion within several
years or even a decade or so, it will be the largest sculpture on Earth.

At this point only the face of Crazy Horse is completed.
The project is totally financed by private contributions,
no US Government funding at all.

This is a picture of how the sculpture will be carved out
of the mountain.

Donna with the Crazy Horse memorial in the background

Here you can see a clearer picture of the face of Crazy Horse.

Souix Indian Tribal Dancers

Avenue of the State Flags at the entrance to Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore - What else can I say - Amazing!

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