Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 12 - Theo Roosevelt NP & Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument

Scenery Within the National Park
Some books about Roosevelt that I liked

From Rough Rider to President - I like this guy

This was his home on the range. He was the first
conservationist President and was responsible for creating
many of our current National parks, forests and monuments.
He was also responsible for the establishment of the Panama Canal.

Now we are in Montana and visiting the Little Big Horn Battlefield
National Monument. This was a typical Indian garb during the time.

This was the typical 7th Calvary that fought the Indians in the battle.

This is one of the graveyards of the fallen soldiers and Indians.

This monument is in memory of the battle and is the exact point
of Custer's Last Stand. This is where he was killed in the battle.

This is the Indian memorial at the park.

More of the Indian memorial.

Memorial to Chief Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

National cemetery at the site.

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