Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 28 - Hot Lake Springs, Oregon

 Today we had an opportunity to visit Hot Lake Springs which is the oldest town in Oregon. It is also the home of Sculptor David Manuel who is famous for his bronze work. David and his wife Lee bought the town which was nothing more than a bunch of dilapidated buildings from the early 1800's. They've restored the main building and created a museum and bed and breakfast resort, where they display and sell David's art and host numerous guests who wish to visit the hisotric site.
Entrance to the visitor's center
Entrance to the hot springs area

Donna found an apple tree that she liked

Old stage coach setting in front of part of what is the original
Oregon trail

A peacock egg we found under one of the old stage coaches

An original trading post along the Oregon trail.

View of the hot springs

Another view of the hot springs

A restorted water wheel turning within the hot springs

David and his latest scuplture. These are limited editions
and sell for $9,000 each. Only 100 will be sold.

Our RV Group was given a private talk in David's library

David - explaining the details of his sculpture.

David - answering questions after the talk

This was a map on display in the museum

Wooden art work on display on the 3rd floor.

A veterans memorial on the grounds of the property

Lunch was included in our tour. The food was excellent.

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