Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 36 - Driving the Oregon Coast

 On the way down Rt. 101 we came across this Veteran's Memorial. The words on the plague(s) say it all.

Later that day we arrived at our campsite - Clam Beach - where we were the only RV at the site. However there were a lot of "tent" people, who we had reason to believe they were among the many homeless in this part of the country.

A view of the sand dunes from the Memorial.

Truer words were never spoken.

You should have been here to see this !! Wow !!

If you ever get a chance to go to Oregon at this time of the year,
make sure you jump at the opportunity. Its incredible!

Happy hour on the beach at our campsite.
Clam Beach State Park in Oregon

Josie loved it. She got a chance to run free for awhile.

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